Batman - The Telltale Series

Batman - The Telltale Series (DirectX11) - 3D Vision Fix

3DMigoto fix by bo3b

WIP fix for Telltale Series. Playable.

  1. Run the game once to make sure it's installed, resolution and refresh are like you want. Set it to max settings, 1080p.  3D will not work to begin with.
  2. Get the fix as a zip file from here: Batman - The Telltale Series 
  3. Unzip the files and ShaderFixes folder into the game directory, for example:  W:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Batman The Telltale Series\
  4. Run the game once, which will set a custom profile that is necessary. It will launch in the background, and 3D will be disabled. Alt-F4 to exit.
  5. Launch again and it should switch to full screen mode, 3D be active, and be playable.
Known Issues
  1. Some random graphic glitches seen while playing, game related. 
  2. Some cut scenes are paper cutouts.
  3. Loading screen UI is not great, with some text at screen depth, some deeper, but is usable.

Includes a reg-ex fix for the cartoon outlines, that might work in other Telltale games. 
Includes a texture filter for the dialog choices in the game, so that text and box are at screen depth with the cursor.

Geforce forum thread

Thanks again to Helix and eqzitara for supporting 3Dmigoto fixes on HelixModBlog.
