Gothic 2 [DX11]

3D Vision fix for Gothic 2, using the DX11 renderer mod. I have Gothic 2 Gold Edition on GOG, for reference.

- Lighting.
- Shadows.
- Fog.
- Skybox.
- Godrays.

Known issues
- Part of the skybox is cut a bit at the sides. Stretching it to cover that part would stretch the sun too, so I didn't do it.

DX11 renderer installation
- Follow this guide, for example, or directly go here.
- In the end, the important part is that you need to get the "" from here, and you need to extract it in the same place as the fix.
- One of the mandatory fixes will disable speech audio and speech text in your game, so you need to go to the "Gothic 2 Gold\_work\Data\Scripts\CONTENT\CUTSCENE" folder and rename "Ou.dat" to "Ou.bin" and "Ou.isc" to "Ou.csi". That will fix it.

Fix installation
- Assuming that you have already installed the DX11 renderer, download this file and extract its contents in the "Gothic 2 Gold\system" folder (if you have the Gold Edition), where "Gothic2.exe" is.
- Boot the game, and after being ingame check the F11 and ctrl+F11 (be careful to not have that hotkey for the frustum in the Nvidia Control Panel) menus to configure the graphics options. They make the game very GPU demanding (SMAA, HBAO+, dynamic shadows, tessellation, draw distance, etc). Don't let the age of the game fool you.

- p: convergence presets.
- F2: HUD depth presets. Screen depth by default. It's pretty much useless, because individual elements will go into depth only a bit.
- F3: HUD toggle. It can affect the skybox, so better don't use it unless it's very on purpose.
- F4: SMAA + sharpening toggle. Not disabled by default. You can change this with the F11 or ctrl+F11 keys that show options from the DX11 mod, but the hotkey is quicker.
- F6: sharpening toggle. Not disabled by default. You can change this with the ctrl+F11 key that shows options from the DX11 mod, but the hotkey is quicker.

If you liked the fix and want to contribute for more future fixes, you can donate to this PayPal account:
