Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas

3Dmigoto 3D Vision DX10 Fix
Last Updated:  October 27, 2017

What this mod does:
- Fixes an issue where character models appear extremely distorted
- Fixes water reflections & skybox
- Pushes the HUD into depth
- Adds a very low convergence preset on the tilde "~" key. Use this for some cutscenes or when sailing around
- Adds a low convergence preset on the "Tab" key
- Adds a high convergence preset on the "Caps" key. Use this for normal gaming.

  1. Download this ZIP file and extract the contents into the game directory.
  2. If you have the Steam version of this game, ensure that you are logged into Steam.
  3. Run the game using the included shortcut "Oceanhorn- 3Dmigoto.bat"
  4. When in the main title screen, press the 'F10' key to enable the fix (you should hear a high beep sound). 
 Additional Notes:
- It's recommended to play this game with a controller since mouse cursor is screen depth.
- HUD depth, convergence preset values & associated key bindings can be changed in the d3dx.ini file.
