Lords of the Fallen : 3DMigoto 3D Vision DX11 Fix - Updated(25/10/2017)

3D Vision Fix by Mike_ar69, Helifax, Bo3b, Masterotaku, Kaimasta

(Sadly, I cannot edit the page of the previous fix as it wasn't me that made the post.)

1. Shadows.
2. Lights.
3. Fog.
4. Smoke.
5. Fire.
7. Special effects.
8. HUD.
9. Skybox.
10. SLI and non-SLI problems from the previous fix


This is a full 3D Vision fix for Lords of the Fallen.  It supersedes the initial fix by Helifax - if you installed that one please uninstall it completely before installing this one.

 It supersedes the previous fix from here: http://helixmod.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/lords-of-fallen-3dmigoto-3d-vision-dx11.html
 - if you installed that one please uninstall it completely before installing this one.



1. Download the fix from here: Lords Of The Fallen - 3D Vision Fix
2. Unzip it into the games .exe directory e.g. for me this is "J:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Lords Of The Fallen\bin"
3. Start game

Setup & Configuration

  1. [Constants]
  2. y = 1.0 ; Surround Shadows. If set to 1.0 is Enabled.


1. Run the "uninstall.bat" file.
