Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition

3D Vision fix for Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition.

- Fake lighting that was at screen depth now is at depth.
- Moon lighting at correct depth.
- Fixed water reflections, but now water edges are broken (I couldn't fix that for now).
- HUD at fixed depth.

Special notes
- This fix uses an old and experimental 3Dmigoto build made for DX10 games. As such, some features aren't working, like the usual hotkeys I make for HUD depth or to disable some effects.
- Also, the fix has to remain with hunting mode enabled (don't worry, it doesn't display any unwanted OSD). Don't touch the numpad number keys unless you know what you're doing.
- Every time you boot the game, the fix will add two bars ("//") at the end of every shader. If you boot the game one million times, that's two million of bars. Replace the shaders manually from the original fix to start over.
- If the game crashes for you (even without the fix), try this to modify the game exe with a Hex editor:
- The pcgamingwiki explains how to disable DoF and motion blur if you want. They aren't broken, but I don't like them.

- Download this file and extract its contents in the "Special Edition" folder, where "DevilMayCry4SpecialEdition.exe" is.
- DON'T RENAME THE GAME EXE. It has to be "DevilMayCry4SpecialEdition.exe".
- To launch the game, you will always have to do it through "DMC4SE_fix.bat". Don't touch any key or button until you hear a "beep" sound. If you don't hear it after 25-30 seconds, reboot the game, because it didn't boot fast enough. All of this is necessary because this version of 3Dmigoto doesn't load modified shaders unless they are edited and reloaded while the game is running (the fix includes some bat and vbs scripts to make it as easy as just waiting for a "beep").

Hotkeys and features
- F1: convergence presets.
- Bloom: search the string "bmult=1;". It's in the "79f7d0b1687c7ede-vs_replace.txt" and "226efecc40338a3b-ps_replace.txt" files, inside the "ShaderFixes" folder. Set either of them to 0 to disable bloom (you can also use values in the middle like 0.5 if you wish).
- HUD depth: search the string "hudmult=0.4;" in "56069ecccbba0250-vs_replace.txt", "71677acc263d29ef-vs_replace.txt" and "8b057b487ccd6e5d-vs_replace.txt". Change it to any value between 0 (screen depth) and 1 (full depth).
- Fake lighting stretching. Without this, which is enabled by default, fake lighting doesn't cover the whole image in the X axis. So I stretched it by 1/8 to fill that space. Search the string "float stretchmult = 1.125;" in "e805181ea59d3b36-vs_replace.txt". 1 is the default value to not stretch it.

If you liked the fix and want to contribute for more future fixes, you can donate to this PayPal account:
