
3D Vision fix for Yooka-Laylee with extra graphics options.

Update: the fix has been updated for the current version of the game (July 2017). The download link is in the installation steps as always.

- Haloing issues (smoke, water, fire, etc).
- Lighting.
- Shadows.
- Shooting minigame now has the crosshair at a useable depth. (Disabled that feature because it breaks a shadow in another minigame.)

- Download this file and extract its contents in the root folder of the game.
- Launch the game through a shortcut that forces exclusive fullscreen. For example: "C:\GOG\Yooka-Laylee\YookaLaylee64.exe -window-mode exclusive".

- F1: two convergence presets.
- F2: HUD depth presets.
- F3: bloom toggle. Not disabled by default.
- F4: depth of field toggle. Not disabled by default.
- F5: post process antialiasing toggle. Not disabled by default.
- F7: depth of field strength presets. Initial strength by default.
- o: HUD toggle.

- Future game updates may break the fix. I will fix the game again if that happens (probably not immediately if there are going to be more updates soon).
