Sword Coast Legends [DX11]

Removed: black smoke in first scene, lights arround selected objects (appearing signature of object remained on hud depth)
Added: 10 HUD depth presets on TAB key
  1. Download this ZIP file and extract the contents into the game directory.
  2. Use Nvidia Inspector to assign the game's EXE to the profile "3D-Hub Player". (For instructions on how to assign profiles, see this guide)
  3. In your Steam library, right click on "Sword Coast Legends" and select "Properties"
  4. Click "Set Launch Options"
  5. In the box, type " -window-mode exclusive" and click "Ok"
  6. If you use not steam version in desktop shortcut's properties in object field add '-window-mode exclusive' after 'SwordCoast.exe'.
I made this using DarkStarSword's Unity template.
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