Shadowrun Hong Kong Extended Edition [DX11]

Tested on version 3.1.2

Use <TAB> key to change 10 values of HUD depth

Use <F11> to toggle between 3Dvision, side-by-side and top-bottom


  1. Download this ZIP file and extract the contents into the game directory.
  2. In your Steam library, right click on "Shadowrun Hong Kong" and select "Properties"
  3. Click "Set Launch Options"
  4. In the box, type " -force-d3d11" and click "Ok"
  5. If you use not steam version in desktop shortcut's properties in object field add ' -force-d3d11' after 'SRHK.exe'.
P.S. It's better to play on maximal zoom level for more valuable 3D effect
