NieR: Automata - 3D Vision Fix

NieR: Automata
- I DIDN'T MAKE THE ORIGINAL FIX! I just picked it up and finished the rest!!!

If you are not sure this game is for you please see this Review

(No story spoilers! Consider it more of a "technical" review!)

- UI
- Shadows
- Lights & Compute Lights
- Compute Shading
- Various broken Decals and elements
- God Rays, etc

ishiki - Made the initial fix for the game

SGSRules - Shadows fix

4everAwake - Fixed the yellow circle around the character
4everAwake - Mostly fixed the main title screen
4everAwake - Disabled the distortion effect from the small pop-up screen

Helifax - Fixed the rest of the Main Menu
Helifax - Fixed blood/oil decals and their variations
Helifax - Compute Shaders related to lights at different angles
Helifax - Compute Shaders related to light tiles and clipping (visible in Amusement Park for example and other "far" locations).
Helifax - God Rays
Helifax - Different Convergences and Modes on F1, F2, M, TAB keys
Helifax - Nvidia Profile with SLI support and Compatibility Support
Helifax - Packed this fix up and adder FAR support (version Later version MIGHT work but not guaranteed!

- Big thanks to Bo3b, DarkStarSword and Flugan for creating 3DMigoto and this awesome wrapper that allows us to fix our favourite DX11 games in 3D Vision!
NVIDIA for Creating 3D Vision as a tech!

Everyone else who contributed to this fix in any shape or form!

Fix available here:
NieR: Automata - 3D Vision Fix

